Thursday, October 26, 2006

WE RECEIVED OUR TA TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise the Lord it finally came!!! This means that the next steps are underway. A fax has been sent to China requesting an appointment on the 27, 28, or 29th of November. We should hear back from that in 3-5 business days and then the flights are booked and everything else should fall into place. (With a lot of hard work by our Agency.) We are still looking for our updated form but it should be here the first of next week. Travel still looks like Mid November and

WHAT A THANKSGIVING THIS WILL BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We plan on having our traditional Thanksgiving here the weekend before we leave so we can spend time with our family like we normally do. I cannot express how much it means to me to have my home filled with Family and their laughter and stories and memories!!!!!

May God Bless you all.

Ashley - Mommy and Daddy are coming as fast as we can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mark and Lori said...

Amazing! We were there last year getting our daughter - from XinYi! We got her on the 13th of November and were back in the US for her bithday on the 25th of November ... it is a great time to travel! It was pretty hot and humid, even though it was November - but the evenings got cold. Keep us posted. Lori

Anonymous said...

I'am so glad you got good news about Ashley.We can't wait to see and play with her.She is a very lucky little girl to be able to have a loving family like yours to come to.I think about you all every day.And can't wait to read what you find out every day.

Mike & Billie said...

Everyday I check my e-mail waiting to hear about our TA's and today it came. I was so excited that my hand was shaking. I clicked on the wrong e-mail. Who cares about that work stuff, at least at this moment. When I read the good news I was overwhelmed with excitement. Your Daddy and I are so ready to come and get you. It won't be long now. Love, Mommy