Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I will try to be a bit more positive tonight but the wait is still going on. No word on the TAs from China yet so we cannot know when we will travel. Also no word on the document extending our child's approved age from 18 months to 19 months. But as we all know it will happen in His time not our time. God has a plan and has carried us this far and he will carry us through to the joyful day we join Ashley to our family. The parents are ready, the house is ready, the family is ready, but something is not ready in God's plan so we will wait. May God bless each of you who read this each day and who continue to pray for Ashley and us through this tough time. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful family and great friends.

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

Thank you all for singing back to us when we have been down.

Love Michael

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