Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well the time keeps getting closer to when we are allowed to come and bring you home to be with us, Your FOREVER Family.
We have been very busy with all of the things that need to be done before we can leave. We both have a lot to do to wrap things up at work as we will be off for almost the rest of the year to spend time getting to know you. We have received our airline tickets and today we received our "in country" plans which tells us all about our time in China. The people at our work have planned a baby shower for you this Friday and that is so thoughtful of them to do so. Everywhere we look we are truly blessed with friends and loved ones. You are coming home to a place where you will be loved by many.
The countdown stands at : 9 days, 9 hours, 56 minutes and 25 seconds.
Love Daddy

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