Monday, March 19, 2007

Well the "excitement" never ends it seems. We have continued our problems with illness throughout the month and then last Monday we added an accident to the mix. We received the dreaded call from the Daycare last Monday that our precious child had been involved in an accident. It turns out that a daycare worker left a door open and took a couple of steps away from the door. Within a few seconds Ashley had gone over to the door to see what was going on and then another child saw the open door and assumed that it needed to be closed. Anyway it was closed on Ashley's "Pinky" finger on her right hand. It broke the very tip of her bone in the little finger and took the top of the finger off from just below the nail to the end and pealed it back. We had to rush to the hospital and hold her down while they did the work to repair the finger. We will not know for many months if the fingernail will hold and grow back. Needless to say it has been very hard on Ashley and Mommy and Daddy as well. Please keep her in your prayers that she will have a speedy recovery and that the nail will grow back as normal.

May God Bless you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashley hope you are doing ok.Sorry to hear about your finger.Hope everything is going well.I really love being around to see how big you are getting.You are learning so much since Mommy and Daddy have got you home.
Sandy (aka) Granny Sandy