Saturday, August 04, 2007

Ashley on the slide.

Ashley & GiGi

Say Cheese !
Ashley & GiGi

Ashley coming down the slide at the picnic.

Mommy followed Ashley but forgot it was feet first not head first.

All the Girls that went to the picnic this year. We had 5 of the 8 families that were able to make it to the picnic that we had gone to China with. We hope to see the rest soon.

Another shot.

Time to post some more pictures. Sorry for the time between posts but that is just the way it is. These are not in a set order so read the captions to know when they were taken.

Ashley and Hanna at the Helping Hand Reunion Picnic in July.

Ashley on Father's Day.

Daddy and Ashley in the golf cart.

Daddy & Ashley on Father's Day. Mommy bought two identical shirts and made a dress for Ashley out of one of them. Mommy is so smart.

Another shot of Hanna & Ashley.