Another Sunday in China:
We started the day in worship to God and
thanksgiving for all that he has and is doing for us. The whole group got together in one of the hotel meeting rooms and we held a service. On couple sang a few songs and lead the rest of us in praise worship. Another man lead our thoughts in a sermon about the adoption process and how it is our
opportunity to show others who God is and how he effects our lives. He also mentioned how that these babies would most likely never have known about God if it was not for the adoption process and us bringing them into our homes. We are very thankful to the mothers who made the choice to give birth rather than abort these precious souls.
Later in the day we went to the Zoo to see the Pandas and ended up in a mighty rain. We all were running for cover and trying to get back to the bus. One of the ladies fell and hit her head and is banged up pretty bad. We think that she will be fine, once again God had the Doctor in our group for a reason so she has been watched over by God and by a Doctor as well.
In this picture Ashley is enjoying the zoo before the rain by taking a nice long nap.
In this picture she is finally learning that Daddy can be a lot of fun and she will be joining Taylor in the "Throw me up to the sky" fun.
A kiss for the beautiful Ashley from Daddy.
Hey mommy this guy is alright after all, you weren't kidding.
Pray for the continued recovery of our lady that fell. Give thanks to God always for all that you have and all that you so often take for granted. We are blessed beyond our own understanding and we are BETTER OFF THAN WE DESERVE !!!
Love Mike & Billie